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A typical training example

Handballspieler Tobias Stoiber - Trainin



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This is Tobias.

He plays in the Bayern League
and trains twice a week with Sports Athletic.

Position und Leistungslevel

Tobias is a backcourt player.


It is currently in preparation.


Because he always has pain in his right shoulder, he enters this as a complaint in the app.

Thus, they are taken into account in his training plans .


Tobias also trains with the app on two days.


On Monday he goes to the gym for 45 minutes and on Thursday he trains before team training  30 minutes in the hall.

Startscreen mit Trainingsübersicht

Now he receives short personal training and his main training from the app.


Here the training units systematically build on each other for the 12-week preparation.

Trainingsübersicht Haupttraining

The units of his main training contain different focuses and exercises depending on the training location, training duration and distribution of training days.

Haupttraining Schulterdrücken

Thanks to the audio instructions in the exercise videos, Tobias knows what to look out for.


And through its evaluation, each exercise is adapted separately from training to training.

Trainings für Beschwerden undPrävention

Since Tobias still wants to do something about his shoulder problems, he also does an individual "short shoulder training" of approx. 15 minutes once a week.

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